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Design of Server Software


Conceptually, a as server follows a simple algorithm

  1. Create and bind a socket to a well-known port
  2. Enter an infinite loop
    • Accept the next request from a client
    • Process the request and reply the result to client

Types of servers

ConnectionlessIterative connectionless serversIterative connection-oriented servers
Connection-orientedConcurrent connectionless servers (rarely used)Concurrent connection-oriented servers

Iterative Servers

Connectionless server

  1. Create and bind a socket to a well-known port
  2. Enter an infinite loop
    • Accept the next request from a client
    • Process the request and reply the result to client

The server only procides one single socket. Server can use sendto() and recvfrom() to get the address information of clients.


  1. Create and bind a socket to a well-known port
  2. Place the socket in passive mode by calling listen()
  3. Accept the next connection and obtain a new socket for the connection
  4. Enter an infinite loop
    • Accept the next request from a client
    • Process the request and reply the result to client
  5. When finishing with a client, close the connection and reutrn to step 3 to accept a new connection

Concurrent Servers

Concurrency reduces response time for multiple clients under serveral conditions

  • Siginificant I/O exists
  • Processing time varies dramatically among requests
    • Small processes don't have to wait for big processes to finish
  • Computer with multiple processors

Most concurrent server use multiple processes (or threads) tp achieve concurrency

  • A single process (called mastser) begins execution initially
  • The master process then
    1. Open a socekt at the well-know port
    2. Wait for the next request
    3. Create a slave to handle each request
  • Each slave process handles communication with one client. Once the client disconnectm the slave process exits

Connectionless server

Master algorithm

  1. Create and bind the socket to a well-known port
  2. Reapeatedly call recvfrom() to receive the next request from a client and create a new slave processs (or thread) to handle that response

Slave algorithm

  1. Access to the corresponding socket
  2. Form a reply and send it to the client using sendto()
  3. Exit when finish

Cost of Concurrency

The cost of concurrency could be greater than the gain in speed in connectionless server. So very few connectionless server enforce a concurrent algorithm

Connection-oriented server

Master algorithm

  1. Create and bind a socket to a well-known port
  2. Place the socket in passive mode
  3. Repeatedly call accept() to receive the next request and create a new slave process to handle the response

Slave algorithm

  1. Begin with a connection passed from the master
  2. Interact with client
  3. Close the connection and exit

Advanced Issues

Create a new process

Use only one thread to achieve concurrency

Guidelines to select different types of servers


Example of Iterative Servers